Friday 2 December 2011

What happens in a psychic reading?

A psychic reading can involve many different elements so it is hard to say exactly what will happen at your psychic reading. 

Psychics operate in different ways; some have tarot cards, some have a crystal ball and some use pendulums to answer questions. Whichever your psychic uses, you can be sure that they will probably cleanse their tool before using it. In the case of tarot cards, they might say a spell or even light a candle to help clear the energies around the cards. For pendulums, they may polish them or spray them with purified water. This again cleanses their psychic tool.

When you begin the reading, the psychic may want to know what you want from the reading. Some psychics will take this information and try and answer it for you, where as others want a totally blank slate to work from. If you have come to the reading with a question, such as “Should I marry my partner?” your psychic may ask you what your concern is regarding. You might then say, “love” or “relationships” which enables them to see into this particular aspect of your life. Others will see the prominent issues in your life and read these to you without your input. Therefore, you should be prepared NOT to have your question answered, but rest assured you will probably get something else out of the reading – maybe something you haven’t even considered yet. 

During the reading, there may be moments of silence. This is where the psychic is honing into their spirit guides and seeking information about you. Perhaps they have connected with your passed loved one, in which case they may be “talking” to them. You should wait for them to gather their information so you can receive the most accurate reading.

When your reading is finished, your psychic may feel drained. All will hope you found what you were looking for. If you need more answers, you could book another appointment. The psychic can then work with you over time.